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Icomos team will visit Charmniar, Golconda and Qutub Shahi Tombs

Written By Unknown on Thursday 11 October 2012 | 01:37

The inspection of the Charmniar, Golconda and Qutub Shahi Tombs which are in the run for Unesco World Heritage tag is expected to take place on October 18 and 19. Experts of the International Council on Monuments and Sites, an advisory body to the World Heritage Committee on Unesco, was scheduled to inspect the monuments on September 25 and 26. But it did not take place as one of the expert committee members had some problems with his passport.

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Qutub Shahi Tombs IndiaAn ASI official at Golconda informed that they had incorporated the suggestions of a sub-committee on world heritage matter which visited the sites earlier in May. "We were told to repair two arches near Rani Mahal complex besides installing signage boards and clearing the vegetation." At the Charminar where a key suggestion was to ensure relocation of religious structures in its vicinity, ASI officials only managed to clear water tanks and other small objects. The fountain in the middle received a chemical wash but has not yet been made functional.

At the Qutub Shahi Tombs, the state archeology department has done grassing works near two tombs while also clearing vegetation at a few places. Officials are yet to clear encroachments around the tombs complex. The sub-committee suggested removal of 13 encroachments but just five have been cleared so far.

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