MUSCAT As part of its efforts to promote Omani heritage and culture on the regional and world scene, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture on September 7 will organise a seminar under the title 'Oman: the start of early Arabian civilisation'. The seminar which will be held under the auspices of Dr Airenia Bokova, Director-General of Unesco, takes place at the Unesco headquarters in Paris and will be attended by HH Sayyid Haitham Bin Tariq Al Said, Minister of Heritage and Culture, in collaboration with the Sultanate's permanent delegate to the world body.
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The Sultanate seeks to register more sites to the UNESCO World Heritage list in order to highlight the Sultanate's experiment in this field, he said. Al Mahrouqi pointed that the Sultanate has many sites in the world heritage list including Bahla Fort which was registered in 1987, 'Bat, Al Khatm & Al Aien' site which was registered in 1988, Frankincense land which was registered in 2000 and the Aflaj system which was registered in 2006.
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